Monday 4 April 2011

It's time for laffs

Melbourne residents and visitors will be chortling and giggling their way through the next few weeks, as it's time for one of our favourite festivals; the 25th Melbourne International Comedy Festival.

I have purchased tix for a couple of shows. One for a young man by the name of Andrew McClelland, who used to work for me at A&R many moons ago (before things went pear shaped in the land of books). We've seen him on stage a couple of times before when he was just starting out. In fact, if my memory serves me correctly, my dear husband and I had one of our first dates seeing one of Andrew's shows! Well, there you go.  These days, Andrew is kind of a big deal; he's even on The Circle pretty often (maybe he has a regular spot, I'm not too sure).

We're also seeing David O'Doherty who I've seen on TV a few times; maybe he's even on tonight for the Gala. Here's a look at at his style of comedy; it makes me LOL a lot!

I'd also love to see Stephen K. Amos; that man is an absolute riot! 

What a fun time of year; literally! If you're in Melbourne make sure that you get along to a show; there are so many options, price points and locations. There's really no excuse for not laughing your ass off this April!

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