Sunday 8 May 2011

Casting on and off

As the cooler weather continues to set in, I've been busy casting off a few projects.

I finished a lovely little baby blanket for my work friend and her new bub, Felix. The squares are knitted individually in garter stitch (the easiest stitch!) I'm really happy with the finished product and I received a call from Felix's Mum during the week; she thinks it's pretty nice too!

I also finished a little hat for me. I actually started this last winter in a flurry of wintry enthusiasm for knitting. It was knitted on teeny tiny needles, so actually took a while to complete. I'm looking forward to having it keep my head toasty warm this winter.

So surely finishing a couple of projects justifies buying more yarn for new ones? Well, combine that statement with the knowledge that two more friends are expecting babies in the coming months and the justification seems clear! I went shopping with Mum yesterday and we had a great time browsing, deciding and purchasing new yarns.

I also found this Sublime pattern book which has the sweetest little designs; lots of beanies, booties and cute as jumpers and pinafores.

With today's weather forecasted to be 17 degrees and showers; guess what I'm planning...

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