Thursday 5 May 2011

A Melbourne Tourist

Tomorrow night I'll be visiting the Melbourne Museum to see the Tutankhamun exhibition. Gosh it looks fascinating.

I've never been to Egypt but have certainly seem some amazing Egyptian relics at the Louvre, The MET, the Vatican Museum and other similar incredible museums. But apparently this exhibition has the 'most impressive collection of  Tutankhamun artefacts ever assembled outside of Egypt' (Quote from the exhibition website

It was actually my Mum's idea to go; she's decided last minute to pop over for a visit for the Mothers Day weekend. Sometimes I'm guilty of not making the time to go to events in my own city, so thanks, Mum, for the encouragement to go! It can actually be a lot of fun to be a tourist in your own city and it's something that I need to do more often.

So, here's a pledge from me; I'm going to try and be a tourist in my own city more often. Maybe I'll even send you a postcard!

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