Monday 2 January 2012

Reflections on a crafty year

Before Christmas I had a really fun time sewing presents for my girlfriends.  I turned out quite a few of these super cute grocery bags for my lovely friends and I really loved spending the time to make them.

In 2011 I really surprised myself with how much I enjoyed making and crafting.  I received such a huge amount of pleasure from making something with my own hands and most of the time, giving that special something to someone else.  Developing my skills and enjoying the making process is one of my 2011 highlights and is something that will continue for me in 2012.

I already have two 2012 projects on the go! I'm making a special something for a cheeky almost 1 year old and I've also cast on a second pair of fingerless gloves, like the ones below (as I've had a special request from the previous recipient's younger sister!)

I'm planning on making 2012 a year where I continue to make, give and learn, cos it's just so much darn fun ;)

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