Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Feisty Jane

Jane Eyre was one of my first literary loves. The character of Jane resonated strongly with me, I admired her and wanted to be like her; she's strong willed, independent of thought and determined not to be looked down upon because of her gender, her position or her lack of money or status. To put it simply; she kicks butt.

I saw the recent adaptation of Jane Eyre last weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it.  Mia Wasikowska gave a beautiful performance as Jane and I was pleased to see that Mr Rochester was just as handsome as he needed to be! I always thought that he should be handsome in a strangely compelling way; not traditionally handsome, or 'hunky' but oddly handsome and you should feel drawn to him. Michael Fassbender was a perfect Rochester in my eyes.

Jane and Rochester

In closing, if you haven't read Jane Eyre before, you really have to. It's a novel before it's time. I also highly recommend this film adaptation; it's probably not showing for much longer, so get down to your local cinema and grab your ticket!

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Big wool!

Check out the size of my new yarn! No wonder it's called, Big Wool! I was sucked into buying this yarn and knitting a last minute winter garment for myself (seeing as I didn't finish my blue jumper this season, it's been put aside for completion next year!)

I've also started a blanket, for a new little baby who was born on Census night. The body of the blanket is in moss stitch and there's going to be a special lace style border, that will be a bit more challenging to knit. The moss stitch is getting a little tiresome, but at least it's something easy to work on while watching something nice on TV (like 2 episodes of Mad Men Season 4 on Sunday afternoon!)

Now it's hard to choose which one of these new projects I should be working on right now!

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Challenge finished!

8 weeks ago I started the 'Happy Heart, Healthy Me' challenge at Curves.  My goal was to lose a few centimetres from my waist to make sure that I'm not at risk of developing heart disease. If a woman's waist measurement is 80 centimetres or more, then she's at risk. Scary, huh?

The 8 weeks finished on the weekend and I'm very pleased to report that I lost 6 centimetres! Woo hoo!

Completing the weekly activities and committing to at least 3 workouts every week really helped me keep the focus on my health over the colder months. Now it's time for some new goals just in time for a new season.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Change is in the air

If you've been reading along, you'll know that I've had two great experiences lately. The first was attending the '7 Habits of Highly Effective People' seminar. The second was reading, 'The Happiness Project'. Both of these experiences resonated very strongly with me and have resulted in some big shifts in my thinking and doing.

As a result, I'm making a few changes.

There are a few little things; like no TV nights, writing a daily one sentence gratitude journal (sounds a bit 'Oprah', but is helping me focus on all the great things I have to be thankful for) and taking time out for fun.

And there are a few bigger things; like creating my personal commandments (or personal mission statement as Mr Covey refers to), goal setting, committing to an exercise routine and making sure I stick to my new weekly and daily planning routine.

So far so good, but feel free to drop me a line and make sure I'm sticking with my changes!

Monday, 15 August 2011

Winter into Spring

I finally finished this man's snood that I was planning to send to Jock Palfreeman, but bad news... I just checked the details for postage and there have been changes to what he is allowed to receive in prison.

I'll contact the administrators of his appeal group and hopefully I can still get this snood to him.

I'm really pleased with the finished product; it even looks good dangling in my tree, imagine how much better it will look on!

It certainly is pretty dreary outside at the moment, but I'm sure that I can feel Spring in the air.  While outside taking these photos the sight of my daffodils certainly lightened up the drab front yard. I love that daffodils make the effort to get you through these last few weeks of a long winter and it's not long to go now, we officially have 2 weeks of winter left and until Spring springs into action.

Keep warm and enjoy the last days of hot chocolates and snuggling in front of the heater.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011


It's Census night in Australia and I'm about to complete my form online (technology = awesome).

I was chatting with a girlfriend on the weekend about completing our Census list of questions.  In particular, we chatted about the heritage questions.  We were wondering which ancestry options to choose; the questionnaire asks you to select 2 ancestries which you most closely identify with.  Interestingly, one of the options is 'Australian'; that's not something that we normally have the option to select, it's always whether your English, Scottish, Irish, Italian, Greek, Chinese etc. This led us to question how and why people would select 'Australian' as their ancestry. What's the cut off point? Maybe if your grandparents were born here you can say that your ancestry is Australian. Or is it your parents? Or do you need to be a 5th generation Australian?

At the end of the day, unless you're an Aboriginal Australian, we all came from somewhere else, but I'm wondering when we get to start identifying ourselves as just Aussies and not as people from somewhere else. As someone whose family has been here for a number of generations, I most definitely identify myself as being Australian and I have no clear connection to any of my other ancestries; although it's clear that these blood lines have shaped some of the cultures and traditions in my family.

Nationality and cultural identity are always hotly debated topics in this country and I look forward to the day when we can just think of ourselves as Australians. With this option on the Census form this time around, maybe we're getting a step closer after all.

Sunday, 7 August 2011


It's the end of month 4 for me and my new relationship with Curves and we're still going strong.

I wasn't that confident when I put myself forward to complete the monthly weigh and measure (dread...); but it wasn't a bad result at all.

There's now 31cm less of me than there was 4 months ago and I'm feeling SO good about it!

For the month of August, I'm going to up the workouts to 4 per week and am hoping to say goodbye to a few more centimetres.

Watch out for another update in 4 weeks time...

Thursday, 4 August 2011


When was the last time that you received a hand written letter? Was it back in primary school when you had a pen pal, or does your Grandma send you a letter for your birthday each year (along with a $5 note!)...

Personally, I can't remember the last time I received a letter, let alone wrote one, which makes me a bit sad. It's so lovely to check the letterbox and see a handwritten envelope amongst the bills and other boring bits and pieces that we receive. With my recently rediscovered interest in writing, I'm thinking that writing letters will give me another way to indulge in some creativity and also to let my friends and family know that I care enough to take the time to put pen to paper.

I've loaded myself up with some funky paper, envelopes and a pen (surely that's another bonus... stationary shopping!) and I'm looking forward to writing a few letters this weekend. If you're lucky, one might make it's way into your letterbox; and if that happens, I dare you to return the favor!

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

What 'fun' means

I'm still reading this awesome book (and also reading the daily happiness emails as well; you can sign up for those over here).

The book is really resonating with me and I'm having all of these little a-ha moments; it feels like they're zinging all around me while I read. It's kinda cool.

This particular a-ha moment was so good that I wanted to share; here's the quote that got me thinking about fun and what it means to me...
I needed to acknowledge to myself what I enjoyed, not what I wished I enjoyed. If something was really fun for me, it would pass this test; I looked forward to it; I found it energising, not draining; and I didn't feel guilty about it later.
- Rubin, The Happiness Project, 2009

In my life, there are a whole heap of things that I wish I was interested in doing. I wish that I was a bit more interested in reading 'The Economist', that I read more about International Affairs, that I understood how Twitter works, and the list goes on. But to be honest, I'm not that interested in any of these things, that's why I find it such a struggle to do them. So why bother? It would be a whole lot easier (and I'd be happier) if I spent time doing what's fun to me (which won't be what's fun for you, and that's cool, because I'm me and you're you!)

Sheesh, am I making any sense here? I'm not trying to say that it's not good to try new things and to push yourself if you don't initially enjoy something; but it's those things that you know deep down you're just not that interested in, even if you wish you were.

And so I have another little resolution; I'm going to stop thinking about what I wish I was interested in and embrace what I do find fun.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Sydney wrap up

We packed a fair bit into our Siblings weekend in Sydney.

Mixed in with the sunshine, exploring and eating was plently of sibling chatting and reminising. The topics of conversation included; childhood pets, 80's TV shows, family stories, updates on our work/partners/friends and future plans. 

Here are the locations where all of that great conversation was held!
  • Dinner at Wasavie @ 5 Ways.
  • Coast walk from Bondi to Bronte (and back!)

Bondi Beach

    Rushcutters Bay
We decided to make Siblings weekend an annual event; we'll head to Perth for the 2012 event, but hopefully we'll all be in the same room a few times before then!