Tuesday 23 August 2011

Big wool!

Check out the size of my new yarn! No wonder it's called, Big Wool! I was sucked into buying this yarn and knitting a last minute winter garment for myself (seeing as I didn't finish my blue jumper this season, it's been put aside for completion next year!)

I've also started a blanket, for a new little baby who was born on Census night. The body of the blanket is in moss stitch and there's going to be a special lace style border, that will be a bit more challenging to knit. The moss stitch is getting a little tiresome, but at least it's something easy to work on while watching something nice on TV (like 2 episodes of Mad Men Season 4 on Sunday afternoon!)

Now it's hard to choose which one of these new projects I should be working on right now!


  1. Alexandra Loves her new dress. I don't know if anyone else has favourite clothes that they keep for a ' special occasion' to find that they wear it only a couple of times before they outgrow it or it goes out of fashion. Well this dress is one of my favourites but contrary to my past practices, I will be dressing Alexandra in this as much as I can before she grows out of it.
    We love it

    Thanks Kel

    Here is a picture of the dress: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150351344989328&set=a.10150351344774328.397776.550079327&type=1&theater

    (had to sign in as Arnaud because I forgot my password)

  2. Thanks, Liz! I'm so glad that you like it and that it fits her now :) Thanks for the photo! She sure looks super cute!
