Monday 15 August 2011

Winter into Spring

I finally finished this man's snood that I was planning to send to Jock Palfreeman, but bad news... I just checked the details for postage and there have been changes to what he is allowed to receive in prison.

I'll contact the administrators of his appeal group and hopefully I can still get this snood to him.

I'm really pleased with the finished product; it even looks good dangling in my tree, imagine how much better it will look on!

It certainly is pretty dreary outside at the moment, but I'm sure that I can feel Spring in the air.  While outside taking these photos the sight of my daffodils certainly lightened up the drab front yard. I love that daffodils make the effort to get you through these last few weeks of a long winter and it's not long to go now, we officially have 2 weeks of winter left and until Spring springs into action.

Keep warm and enjoy the last days of hot chocolates and snuggling in front of the heater.

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