Wednesday 30 March 2011

A crazy Wednesday comment and a few cute farmers

If you haven't already heard, apparently Paris Hilton thinks that her life's work is done. Ah... hello.... seriously?

I was just having a little read of The Age online and I read this ridiculous article. You can check it out here.

As one of the comments states,
Now that she has the important stuff out the way, maybe she can move on to trying to find the cure for cancer.
I mean really, that girl needs to think a bit more before letting words come out of her mouth.

Anyhoo, that's the most exciting piece of news with me on this Wednesday afternoon (I nearly wrote Tuesday then, this week is going by really quickly!) I am looking forward to some knitting time tonight while catching up on the latest action on 'The Farmer Wants a Wife'. I was asked today which Farmer is my favourite; I'm quite fond of Farmer Ben, but really I think they're all pretty lovely. Gotta love a good country boy!

So, as they say in the country (and sometimes in the city), hooroo for now.

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