Monday 28 March 2011

A weekend in Sydney

Many things happened over my lovely Sydney weekend. Here are a few of them:
  • I ate dumplings. You can read about that here.
  • I had brunch at Four Ate Five (a really cool place in Surry Hills, which reminded me of Egg in Brooklyn, NYC. Egg has the best grits and bicuits; super yummy).
  • I went to MCA and saw the Annie Leibovitz photography exhibition.
  • I drank Pimms and quite a few glasses of Oyster Bay Sauv Blanc.
  • I watched 'W' and thought it was pretty interesting. Good ol' Dubya sure was an interesting character!
  • I did lots of walking around with my sis and her man; they're trying to find a place to live in Sydney. Man, that sure seems like a tricky (and expensive) business.
  • I ate Nepalese food (I think for the first time) and I really liked it.
  • I had another brunch at Kawa in Surry Hills.
  • I knitted quite a lot of the LHS front of my cream cardy (nearly finished that piece!)
  • I caught a few buses.
  • I took a plane ride.
  • I got home and had a snooze.
I hope your weekend was as fun filled as mine.

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