Wednesday 27 July 2011

Feeling good with jeans

How good does it feel to do something that you've been meaning to do for ages?

Good, it feels really good. 

Even if it's just something small or something a bit silly. I bought a pair of jeans on sale in November last year and I've been meaning to get the hems altered since then. It wasn't super important and I obviously haven't been going pant-less since then or anything, but today I got myself sorted and dropped those jeans off to be altered.

The piece de resistance is that they'll be ready this afternoon. So I also get instant gratification with my pair of 'new' jeans!

Note to self, never underestimate how good it feels to just get stuff done. And also to have 'new' jeans to boot!


  1. I like writing things down and then get great pleasure in ticking them off the list. Brenda

  2. Me too, Bren. BTW I'm loving wearing my 'new' jeans today!
