Saturday 16 July 2011

Stepping back in time

I set off for work on Tuesday having left my mobile phone at home. Gasp. Shudder. How would I survive the day?

I spent the first hour freaking out; I'd miss calls, emails and what if someone needed me urgently?

I spent the next 8 hours feeling free and unrestrained; I had called a few people (using someone else's phone!) and told them how to find me and I sent a couple of emails from a colleague's iPad. Then I sat back, relaxed and went with the flow.

I ended up having the most relaxing work day that I've had in some time. It made me wonder whether it would be worthwhile spending a work day sans technology every now and then. Imagine how much free thinking and productivity there would be without the constant distraction of phone calls, text messages and emails.

My phone free day definitely provided me with food for thought and I look forward to the occasional technology free (or restricted) day in the near future.

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