Sunday 3 July 2011

Rainy Sundays

What better days are there than rainy Sundays.  They're the perfect excuse to knit the afternoon away.

I'm trying to finish this man's scarf and also a scarf for me.  The man's scarf (or snood, it should really be called), is going to be posted to Bulgaria; you can read about why I'm doing that here.

The one for me is in a lovely angora, grey flecked yarn. It's so soft and will be incredibly snug. I've finally just started the last ball of yarn and my goal is to finish it today.

So, with that deadline in mind, it's back to the knitting sweat-shop for me!

(P.S. I do have some company, this little critter is also spending Sunday afternoon on the couch!)


  1. You are a very neat knitter. Must be very satisfying to do something well. Very cute dog too!

  2. Hi Sandy, Thanks for the compliment! I really love the creative outlet that knitting provides me. I also work in HR and love the contrast that my craft provides to my professional life. My next aim is to learn to sew! Hope you pop by again. Kelly
