Thursday 21 July 2011


This week I spent 3 days locked away in a training room at work. To some, this might sound like a strange form of corporate torture. For me, these days were the best days I've had at work in a long time (maybe even ever!)

I've just completed the '7 Habits of Highly Effective People' signature program and wowee, what a great program it is. I'd heard about some of the elements before ('big rocks' and 'sharpening the saw' to name a couple) but I'd never read the '7 Habits' book or attended one of the workshops before.

I'm feeling really inspired and committed to living the habits.  In particular, writing my personal mission statement is something I am super excited to complete. I've been feeling a little adrift of late and I now understand why; I haven't formalised what I stand for, where I want to be in life, what I want my legacy to be.

I think this was the most powerful component of the workshop for me; thinking about my legacy, what will I leave behind, what will people say about me at my 80th birthday? Take a moment to think about that last statement, it's incredibly poignant.

So this weekend one of my 'big rocks' will be to allocate some time to drafting my personal mission statement and thinking about what I want my legacy to be. I can't wait.

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