Sunday 3 April 2011

Autumn is here

One of the sure signs that Autumn is here is a quick glance at the grand tree on our nature strip. In the last couple of weeks, she's started to change her colours and I know it's nearly time to get my rake out of hibernation.

There is a light smattering of lovely golden and cherry coloured leaves forming on my front lawn. Next weekend might have to be my first rake of the season.

Autumn is definitely my favourite season. One for the fashion; jackets, scarves, boots, knitted beanies & berets. Secondly for the beauty; our grand tree, the many tree lined Melbourne streets that stream with colour and for the beautiful crisp but sunny days that Autumn brings.

I think that my most beautiful Autumn was last year when we visited NYC.  Central Park was an amazing experience, with the most splendid Autumn colours.  It really took my breath away.  The shades of colour were so vivid and beautifully contrasted with the lush green fields and lawns. Ice skating had just started in the Park, people were out enjoying the beauty, the ice and the sunshine.  It was such a special time to be in NYC and I hope to do it again someday.

Central Park, NYC
Autumn is a great time to get knitting; it's so lovely to be holding beautiful yarn in your hands as you work on something special. I've finished the left front side of my cream cardy, but am having some trouble making the buttonholes on the right front side. I'm going to start on a sleeve instead and wait for some advice from my dear knitting friend. We're catching up in a couple of weekends at our favourite yarn store to browse and then (hopefully) buy yarn for my next big project.  I'll take my knitting along and ask for her advice; that normally does the trick when I get a little stuck.

LHS front piece of cream cardy
Time to make myself comfortable on the couch and cast on.

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