Sunday, 17 April 2011

The joys and perils of home ownership

  • You have your own little piece of the world that's yours. Corny yes, but there's something to be said for owning your own 'castle'.
  • No dealing with real estate agents or landlords wanting to inspect and make sure you're not wrecking the place.
  • You have fun making the place better and keeping it looking nice. You feel really good (like I do right now) when you've spent the day working hard inside and out. It's rewarding.
  • At least you're in the market; with prices continuing to go up and up, you feel kinda good that you locked in your place back when prices were only marginally horrifying.

  • There's so much to keep up with! The weekends are not just for cleaning and washing clothes, but also weeding the garden, mowing the lawns, fixing the kitchen tap, painting that wall/door/architrave (insert as appropriate). For us, on a 650 square metre block, the effort to keep up with the outdoors is significant.
  • You have to pay for more stuff; if it breaks, it's your problem. No more calling the landlord to get the water heater, leaking tap etc fixed; you're on your own!
  • Sometimes you're so busy doing all of the above (and paying for all of the above) that you don't have the time (or money) to do fun stuff.
  • Hey, sure you're in the market, but can you believe what you had to pay?

Considering the list, I'm still glad that we bought our place a few years ago and I'm even more glad that we're planning our future in this place together.  What brought on the above was Jason and I spending the day working flat strap to make our place look great. We have a valuation being done this week and we're trying to put our best foot forward.  We're hoping to get a bit more cashola from the bank to complete our extension extravaganza. 

We're only at step 1 of the process, but I'm already excited and just want to chatter away about all the great things we could do. Needless to say, my quiet husband has his eyes glazing over every few minutes!

More updates to come as and when I have them!


  1. Ooh, extension! How very exciting. Do make sure you take before and after photos and many inbetweeners. We are living in a bit of a building site right now. Naas is nearing the end of enclosing one of our verandahs to make a third bedroom. I am looking forward to it being finished. Currently, all four children share a bedroom and Nicholas is still in a cot simply because there is no room to put a bed. So what exactly will your extension extravaganza be? xx

  2. Thanks for the recommendations! We're going to extend our living area which will make a larger living room and a dining area. We're also thinking about an extra bedroom and new bathroom; depends on how far the budget can stretch! Will you have the older 2 kids share and then the younger 2? xx

  3. I think the kids have decided that Benjamin and Daniel (#1 & #3) will share new bedroom with the bunk bed and Eloise and Nicholas (#2 & #4) will share the current bedroom. I'm sure they will all shift about from time to time. xx
