Friday 8 April 2011

Weekend Goodness

Here's what's in store for the weekend for me:
  • A visit to my favourite yarn store, Sun Spun, in Canterbury. I'm hoping to purchase yarn for a pretty, 50's inspired winter jumper.
  • A visit to Curves to work off those M&M's I are last night!
  • Laughing my way through Saturday night at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. I wrote about who I'm seeing here.
  • Compulsory house cleaning, washing, dog walking, ironing.
  • Starting my new knitting project, even though I really should finish the current one first (but where's the fun in that!?)
  • Making time to talk with my dear husband about our house extension plans. We just haven't been able to make the time or free up enough head space to have a good conversation about this. We're thinking of building out into our front yard to double our living space. Very exciting but also very overwhelming.
  • Speaking to my sister to give her some moral support; she's house hunting and it's so competitive and tricky. She's getting a bit worn out.
  • Watch a few episodes of Mad Men. I've borrowed series 2 and 3 from the library and need to get them back soon! What a good excuse for some couch and knitting time!
  • Gardening; my back garden is looking more and more like a jungle. It needs some love and attention from moi.
And lucky for me the weekend starts now!  Hope that you enjoy yours.

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