Tuesday 24 May 2011

Feeling a little lonely

This little blog started as a creative outlet for me. I didn't really think that many people would be interested in reading it and I didn't think that I had much to say. Well, funnily enough, there are a few people reading my words and I normally find that I can think of something to write about. Hah! Who would have thought!
It's a little scary when you don't know who your readers are and why they're reading your words. I know I'm choosing to write this blog and this means that my words are available 24/7, no privacy, no holds barred... but it's still weird. Maybe I'm showing my Gen X true colours!

I know this makes me sound 100 years old, but I still sometimes can't get my head around the depth and breadth of social media and even just the internet in general, and how it has revolutionalised how we live; how we access & share information, how we communicate and how we work.

After saying all of that, it's time to let you know that I'm feeling a little lonely in my blogging world. I think I need someone else, or maybe a few someone elses, to write me a little comment and say hello.

So... go on, be brave and leave me a comment. I promise it won't hurt and it will actually make me feel pretty darn good!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks, Bren! Should have known I could rely on you :) xx
