Sunday, 15 May 2011

Busy, busy, busy

This week and the one to come have one word written all over them; busy. My work life balance is definitely out of skew at the moment. I've not even had the time (or the inspiration) to blog or do much knitting. What a sorry state of affairs.

Maybe I didn't help myself by having Monday off work, but I had my Mum here for the weekend and we had a lovely time catching up and doing lots of wonderful things.  We saw the King Tut exhibition, which I blogged about here. We went out for dinner at Italy 1; it was good, but the food was not quite as special as I had hoped. We went to the movies and saw 'Something Borrowed'; again, good but not spectacular, definitely something to see with your girlfriends and not your man! We went to my favorite yarn store, Sun Spun; we browsed through the lovely patterns and yarn. Then we both made some purchases and proceeded to spend the afternoon on the couch casting on. All in all, it was a pretty great weekend.

I've also been trying to finish off a couple of items that need to be returned to the library (as much as I love the library, I dislike being on a reading/watching schedule to get things back on time). I'm reading 'One Day' by David Nichols. It's about 2 people who meet at University and then how their lives cross over, apart and hopefully back together again (I'm still reading, so not sure how it finishes!) I've also just noticed through my googling, that there will be a movie based on the book coming out later this year. Anne Hathaway will be playing the main female character, Emma Morley. Sounds like another good movie to see with your girlfriends or Mum.
The other item that needs to be returned is 'Mad Men' - season 3. I've written about why I find 'Mad Men' so interesting before. By season 3 the plot really has thickened and we know a lot more about Don Draper than I did back in March when I first started watching. I'm still loving the series; mainly for all of the cultural references and for what we see of life being lived in the 1960's. The role of women, the prejudice towards people who are not Anglo-Americans, homophobia and the lack of productivity in the office are all so interesting to me. While we don't by any means live in a perfect world now, I'm thankful to live in a time when some of these major prejudices have been largely ironed out and even legislated against.

I'm off now to enjoy my Sunday at home. Hopefully I can find some time for myself this week to write another post or two.

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