Tuesday 31 May 2011

Nice things to do

In the middle of another busy week at work, I took some time out tonight to think about some nice things to do over the next few weeks. I've been so flat strap during the weeks that I want to make sure I have a few special things 'just for me' coming up.

Here's the list:
  • Mulgrave Makers Market on 26th June. I haven't been before but have heard good reviews.
  • Go to the movies and see The Hangover 2. It looks like a repeat of last time but if I laugh half as much as I did during the first movie, it will be money well spent!
  • Book a weekend away for our wedding anniversary.  We made a pact on our first wedding anniversary that we would always try and get away for a weekend to celebrate. Pet friendly accommodation, of course!
  • Make time to knit. I have a new baby project to finish; I've finished knitting and now just need to sew the garment together. I think this little item is the cutest thing I have ever made! Photos to come...
  • I'm staying with my sister in Sydney for a couple of nights this week and am back again next week. While it makes for a long work week, it's great that she's back here now and we can catch up more often.
  • We're having dinner at Phamish on Saturday night. I've not been before but have heard good things; watch this space!
I'm sure that getting through the work week will be a little easier knowing that I have this great list of things to look forward to. Here's to the weeks getting a little calmer very soon.

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