Saturday 28 May 2011

Love a good period drama

I was at the movies this week and saw the trailer for 'Jane Eyre', one of my all time favorite books. I first read 'Jane Eyre' at University; First Year English. Jane made a great impression on me, as the unconventional heroine and a feminist before her time.  She stands up to those who seek to oppress, judge and harm others.

I haven't read any reviews yet, so I'm hanging my hopes on the trailer...

I'm also looking forward to watching the first episode of Downton Abbey this weekend. The series received rave reviews in the U.K. and again, the trailer certainly piqued my interest.

After finishing season 1 of 'The House of Eliott', I'm hoping that Downton Abbey can fill the void of my rediscovered love of period drama! Or I could always bring out the well-loved BBC Pride and Prejudice DVD's!


  1. We are awaiting series 2 of Downton Abbey here in England, it was brilliant. A good easy watch, lovely costumes and plenty of DRAMA!! Hope you enjoy it. The series was on ITV (not BBC) and they are pretty good for Period Drama, keep an eye out for Persuasion (ITV 2007), Far From The Madding Crowd (ITV 1998) and Under The Greenwood Tree (ITV 2005). All are really enjoyable but if you are a Jane Austen fan, the Persuasion id definately worth buying or looking for. ITS AMAZING!!! The music in it gets me every time, especially when Anne runs xx


  2. PS have you seen the BBC adaption of Jane Eyre? Another brilliant adaption and tear jerker xx

  3. Hi Hannah!
    Thanks for dropping by! We've just had the 1st episode of Downton in Australia, with the 2nd episode on this weekend; I can't wait!
    Thanks for the recommendations; I certainly have some period drama catching up to do!
    Hope to hear from you again.

  4. Those are the best ones, let me know when you are finished and what you thought of them! I have plenty more to recommend (I am a teensy bit obsessed) but those are the best, in my opinion anyway! hope you enjoy them!

    Hannah xx

  5. I sure will! First things first though; episode 2 of Downton on Sunday night!
